'I wish' .... I hadn't lost my mom's earrings that she passed down to me!!
When I was 16, my mom surprised me with the sweetest gift of passing down a pair of diamond earrings that were hers when she was a teenager. She got them as a gift from her parents when she was 16, and she thought what a sentimental gift to pass on to me when I turned 16. This will probably bring my mom to tears reading this, and still to this day I am so angry for losing ONE of the earrings.
I remember it like it was yesterday .....
- We had to take off all our jewelry for cheer practice
- I placed BOTH earrings in the side pocket of my cheer bag
- Later that evening when I got home, I went to grab them
For some reason, only one is there - Shoot me now.
I searched that bag inside and out, checked the stitching, and finally gave up. I knew my mom was going to kill me, and I tried to wait as long as I could hoping it would show up. Then, she called me out on it, and I just started bawling. I could see how truly upset she was, and the saddest part was the sentimental value of the earrings - nothing could replace them.
I am even more embarrassed to report I lost ANOTHER PAIR of diamond earrings. They happened to be a gorgeous set I splurged for myself when I worked at Bailey Banks and Biddle, and they got lost lost in the move from Texas to Washington. 6 months after them being MIA, one day in the garage a sparkle caught my eye and ONE of my DIAMONDS was calling my name. Now, four years later ...... I am depressed to report the other one never showed up.
You better believe I will never buy another set of real diamonds until I am 75 years old. Gabe knows to not surprise me a pair because I think it's one of the pieces of jewelry that I am meant to live without. OR, not without (come on!!), but a fancy inexpensive pair from Nordstrom. They are my favorite because at the rate I take them in and out .... I would have a heart attack if I lost another pair.
What do you wish you didn't lose?
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I'm sorry you lost that earring. That is a really sad story!
I hate that...I'm guessing there will be a lot of jewelry on the list today.
Oh gosh that is so sad. I have a pair of diamond earings I got for my 25th birthday and I check them constantly....but luckily they are insured. I lose jewelry waaaay too easy.
Ahh... diamond earrings... how is it that we lose DIAMONDS? (Me too...)First time linking up w/Wishful Wednesdays, love it!
Oh no, I'm so sad for you just reading this. Losing one earring is the absolute worst, especially if they have sentimental value. I can't even tell you have much jewelry I lost at cheer practice tht exact same way in school.
oh NO how sad!!! this is like my rolex story, it made me SO SICK!!! since i already used my rolex story on WW, i'm not going to play today, but i'm SO sorry about your earrings :(
I've done that too! My parents gave me a garnet necklace for my 16th birthday, and I lost it during a field hockey game! I had taken it, and my earrings off and put them into one of those old plastic film containers, and it was in the pocket of my backpack and somehow opened. The necklace must have slithered out of the pocket and onto the grass. So sad!
Love Wishful Wednesday..I've passed along a blog award, check out my post to see it!
Thats too sad about your earrings! Its the one and only reason Ill never own diamond earrings. This girl loses everything!! The only valuable items I can seem to keep my little hands on are my Louis' and lets be REAL its ONLY because they are extremely large purses!!
Sorry about the earring!! Also, apparently I can't spell today when linking up oops! ;-) Happy Wednesday!
Oh man, I am sorry you lost those earrings. I lost a pair my dad gave me too. Such a bummer.
Your blog is great! I am so glad I found it.
xo Marcie
Oh thats such a tough hit, but at least you know you can't handle diamond earrings here on out haha!
I can totally relate to this post! My mom gave me a pair of diamond earrings on my 18th birthday and it wasn't a few months later that I lost them. The ones I have now only come out of my ears to be cleaned, then go right back in!
I thought I lost one of my diamond earrings recently on a business trip. I was a mess for a few minutes. Luckily I found it.
That is such a sad story!! But it happens to the best of us. :)
OMG! I would be a wreck if I lost diamonds, especially my mother's. She had a pair of diamond earrings my dad gave to her, and she split them up, had them set into necklaces and gave one to both me and my sister on our 18th birthdays. My necklace is still sitting in my mother's room because I don't trust myself with it! LOL
Not that she could blame me, she lost the diamond out of her first engagement ring my dad gave her! He bought her a second diamond to replace it.
Oh I hate when stuff like that happens...I did the same thing with a necklace that my mom gave me : ( Jewelry is so easy to lose though...sigh...
Oh wow, that is so terrible! I feel your pain! I lost my True Love Waits pearl ring in highschool. It was a pearl so I had taken it off to washing my hands.... So sad.
Aw man, what a bummer. I hate that feeling too!
Oh, I hate that feeling! My heart sinks just reading this. I'm so sorry you lost the earring!
How terrible....ugh, the things we lose :( saaad day.
I know what you mean, I lost a pair that my granddad gave my mom when I was born and she gave them to me when I turned 21 =(
I did the SAME THING only with a diamond necklace my mom got me. It wa also for my 16th birthday.
It stinks to lose something that has so much meaning though. I hope someday both mates decide to show up.
And isn't it funny how we always lost the real diamond jewelry and not the $10.99 cubic zirconia earrings from Target? :)
I thought I lost my mom's diamond earrings she gave me too but it ended up she took them away because she knew I would loose them so she hid them from me and never told me until I told her I lost them.
Oh my gosh! This is horrible! Loosing something is the worst feeling!
I lost a pearl earring from my aunt and never found it :-(. I also lost a diamond stud but found it like you a few yrs later in the crack of our garage floor. I now happily wear them but I did lose some jewelry over the years that is sentimental too.
Oh Kelsey Girl!
I just can't BELIEVE you lost that diamond earring!
I know how haunting that must be!
ANd I totalllllly know how you turned that bag inside out!
I did the same with my engagement ring several years ago!
Like a FOOL...dropped it into a little pocket in my purse with my wedding band.
When I reached in to get them...it was gone!
So sad!
So sad!!!!!!
Somewhere that ring is!
Who knows where.
And engraved inside it are the sweet words...
"Grow old along with me."
So sad...I know.
Oh, this reminds me of the time my Grandma and I were in a cab and she lost the ring she was going to pass down to me. Someone somewhere is either wearing that beautiful piece of jewelry or is smiling at the money they made off of it. Or maybe, just maybe...it's still in that cab. Ugh.
What a horrible feeling, not only to lose it, but to see the dissappointment from your mom too. No fun. I lost a diamond earring also. I too will only by fake now!!
This is really funny timing because I Have lost SOO many things in the past 2 weeks- sunglasses, keys, 2 pair of earrings, and MY diamond from my engagement ring...but I found my diamond from my ring the NEXT day outside. I was searching the street (we were visiting friends) and I got down on my knees to check near our car and there was a white thing on a dirty ground between the tire and curb! It is being reset with all new prongs and stuff and I am without it for a week or 2, but at least i found it. AND, My Gram gave me a pair of her diamond earrings when I turned 16. My parents never let me wear them except special occasions...The last time I wore them was on my wedding day 3+ years ago- Actually, I think they are in my parents safe...haha- I should ask for them..or maybe not since I am on a losing streak!
Oh my gosh!!!! That is the saddest story, and I can totally relate! My dad bought me a beautiful diamond ring my freshman year of college (probably not the best time for him to do so), and it fell off my finger! The ring was too big when he gave it to me, but I insisted on still wearing it and I lost it!!! I went to formal event in New Orleans and at some point in the night, looked down at my finger and it was gone!!! Oh gosh, I was miserable for days. And I agree with you... the worst part is telling them!!! It was so difficult! When Tres proposed to me, my dad laughed and told him "I hope she doesn't loose that one." I'm glad we can all find humor in it now... but gosh, I still feel horrible!
probably the reason why I can't get myself to purchase a set of my own diamond earrings! i'd lose them instantly. i'm sorry you lost it, even after all these years.
Awww :( Really sad story! I have lost some sentimental jewelry as well and it makes me sick!
I lost one of the diamond earrings I received as a gift from my aunt for college graduation! Makes me sad! :(
I also lost a diamond tennis bracelet that my mom let me wear for a homecoming dance in high school.
I too am not good with diamonds! I never seem to lose the cheap stuff though! :(
Aw, I'm sorry you never found it again.
That's so sad! I always buy CZs like that and lose them constantly. I've probably bought 10 pairs b/c I don't care if I lose them. I definitely don't need real ones!!
lovely blog! Just found it at Riema's journey. Blessings!
if I did lose something:
it was never as precious as what you lost.:( I'm sorry
I wish my mom gave me something like that to have and cherish..
oh that breaks my heart for you!
Oh bummer, so sorry you lost your earrings! That is super frustrating but at least you can hold the people who gave you the memory dear! :)
My mum gave me her mums engagement ring, even though it was too big I insisted on wearing it, and it was a diamond ring, one day I went to the park and it fell off, impossible to find it, and I got in so much trouble for it when it came out :( xx
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