I successfully held down the fort while Gabe was frolicking (hehe) on the beach in Destin - Still bitter about his 5 days with a whole lot of sun while it poured 4 of the 5 days in Seattle! I learned something about myself while he was away .....
I am surprisingly WAY more productive when he is home.
While I was solo: I did some damage shopping with my partner in crime (more about my new "hot" pants soon), worked a lot, let the cleaning fall by the waste-side, stayed up past my bedtime every night doing who knows what, etc. Let's just say, cheers to not being single and living by myself because I did not thrive off it.
With less than 24 hours before hubby comes home,
I needed to focus and get to work crossing off my to-do list
So, I got to work and made the house spic and span - Who doesn't want to come home to a spotless home?! Sadly, I think I killed the vacuum cleaner in the process. I accidentally vacuumed up one of Gabe's dress socks, oops, didn't mean to get as close as I did. The sock got stuck in the belt, and I continued vacuuming or at least attempted. I thought the sock was swooped up and would make it's way into the vacuum bag. Not quite. The vacuum cleaner wouldn't "go" and required me using a lot of force, so I did what I could to take it apart and scope it out. No luck. Then, I see smoke trickling out of the vacuum and smell something burning. Dang, what did I do! Ah-hah, I see the source of the problem, the sock is stuck in the vacuum belt. Lots of tugging later, I freed the sock, but oddly the vacuum now won't work.
Google Image
Is it the engine? Did I break the belt?
I wish my Paw Paw was here - he is truly our families Mr. Fix-it!
When I informed hubby, he said he laughed out loud.
Did he offer to help .... NOPE!

Oh Kelsey....that was funny and also not funny
Oh no! That is totally something that would happen to me, but instead of dealing with it, I would just go out and by a new one (I know that's horrible!) just hope you don't have a Dyson to replace :)
prob just needs a new belt!! hopefully! :)
You sound just like me! When J. is gone the house just becomes an afterthought to me! Uh oh... I got a rug stuck in our vacuum :( and in the process broke the band that makes the vacuum work, whoops! I'm glad there's more women in the world like me :)
oh no! i am definately no mr. fix-it. i could probably be, but instead i just yell "SUGARRRRRR I NEED HELP!" and let him deal with it :)
glad your mister's coming home soon. i too, turn into a SLOB and do NOTHING until about an hour before he's supposed to be home (as in, when he boards the plane, i turn on my productive switch) but i think it's okay because i think they are the same way when we're gone :)
ooh and i hope your vaacum ends up working! those are SPENSIVE to replace!!! have a great day lovie!!!
Too funny! I have vacummed many things before that I didn't intend to. My hubby is actually in Washington for a conference so I am doing the same thing around the house.
I thought the same when my boyfriend went out of town but I stayed up late doing who knows what too then rushed to make the house clean too. I've killed my fair share of vacuums. New belt I would think.
Nick is heading to Vegas today for his bachelor party and I have a long to-do list of cleaning while he is out too!
Sadly I don't know much about vaacums....
Oh,no! I would have to just go buy a new vacuum or send it to someone who fixes things like that. NO one in our family is "Mr. Fix It"
Oh Sweet Girl!
I laughed my head off through this post!
Why did I laugh?
I laughed because this was soooo ME!
When Greg leaves town...
and is due to return within the day...
I start moving a grooving like a freakin chicken with it's head chopped off!
I mean I am going to town on the house!
Doogan is always like...
Daddy must be coming home!
I swear my hair almost turned into dread-locs the last time greg left town!
And don't think I don't LOVE it that you have a PAW-PAW!
My Paw-Paw used to whip out his pocket knife for everyTHING! Did your Paw-Paw have a POCKET-KNIFE!!!! ;o)
Every once in a while, it's nice not to do anything ... and I think that's okay :)
That story is hilarious!! I hate when Cody is away...I am the same way...never seem to get anything done! See you later missy!
Oh, man! That isn't good. I'm afraid I'm no help as I know nothing about vacuum cleaners. Good luck!
Haha you need a Boyfriend for a Day! We have them in NY! You hire a guy to come do any handywork you need done around the house! It's priceless! My friend used one to help her move into her new apartment!
Hi! I just stumbled upon your blog. Love it. I haven't busted the vacuum - yet. But I have had a few epic laundry fails, if it makes you feel any better. http://domesticallydeficient.blogspot.com/2009/11/fail-fiances-laundry.html
HAHA! Thanks for the help---I've been waiting for our suuuper old school vacuum to break so I had an excuse to buy a new one! I'll just vacuum up a sock! :o)
Oh, sorry! But it was kind of funny! And Paw-Paws always know how to fix everything!
Oh my gosh I am the SAME way! I feel for you! :)
I did that to my vacuum too! It magically started up again!!
When hubby is away I do the same thing, sit and watch TV....plus I miss my extra set of hands with the 3 kids. He's away next week, now I have to make sure I'm productive!
I am the same way when my husband is out of town!! I hope it's not the motor..
I swear my vacuum never works. I have fights with vacuums all the time. My brother usually take it all apart tells me nothing wrong, puts it back together, and it works. I dont get it. Crazy.
Hee hee.. I hate it when I do that. It is just the belt. Find the model of your vacuum and your local Wal-mart should probably have a replacement for it. You might have to unscrew at least one screw to get at the belt. But you are a smart girl and can do it!!
Haha! This is pretty common around my house too. Especially during summer break...I basically put everything off until the end of the day. Then between 4-5, I hurry and pick up/clean/etc. in a mad dash, so he doesn't think I being a bum.
I had a similar issue with the vacuum cleaner. Mine's belt wasn't broken though. The smoke was from the belt melting/burning because the rolling brush wasn't rotating. We had to buy a new roller brush. I hope that's not the case, but if it is, it's a cheap fix compared to a brand new vacuum.
Ha, that's what happens when you spend all your time playing instead of doing your wifely duties!! :)
Aren't Pawpaw's great? Hope you get it all done. I'm just the opposite though, I'm so much more productive when my hubby's away!
The hubby is away, the wifey will play....and kill household appliances.
Maybe it is a sign...leave the vacuming to the hubs :)
That's how I am when Josh leaves... I'm useless!
LOL that is kind of funny!
Did he love Destin? That is down in our neck of the woods!
Oh no! I would not be able to fix it either- of course, my fiancée wouldn't be too either! Good luck!
oh my gosh that exactly how I am too! Anytime my husband is not around I just end up watching a lot of tv and doing A LOT of shopping- and thats pretty much it! I hope you get your vacuum fixed too!
Hmm, maybe you burned the belt? I don't know. Me and my vacuum don't really hang out. I usually pass that chore to someone else lol
New follower here, love your blog! The vacuum story is so something I'd do...and so something my hubby would say. HA!
Hasn't this weather sucked lately?! It's JUNE already! And believe me, I've sucked things up by the vacuum a ton of times, it stinks!
Aww--my vacuum just doesn't suck well...I hope you get it fixed soon.
I want to hear about these "hot pants" lol
It sounds like a belt may be broken (used to work for a high end vac company). If you can, the belt should be located under the plate, on either end of the brush. Did you smell anything burning, by chance?
Ooh no fun on the broken vac! :( I'm totally understand the productivity thing. When I'm alone, I tend to just go about being productive in a random pace..not really anything hurried or pointed. Funny.
oh no! but on a good note you won the skincarerx giveaway! just email me your contact information :)
I vacuumed up a sock recently too. But, I was using the hand held thingy. I took the hose hand held thing apart to get it out. And now, husband says I need a vacuum tutorial and I am no longer allowed to use the vacuum. I say... I need a Dyson :)
Try taking it to the vacuum doctor @ a repair shop if you can't get it fixed!
Lol sorry about your vacuum!!! And I know what you mean, if it wasn't for my hubby I'd be lounging around a lot more, and wayyyy lest structured. I'm a free spirit, he is my stability:-)
Have a great weekend, and best wishes on getting oyur check list done!
That is hilarious. Note to self, pick up the floor BEFORE vacuuming. I of course didn't do that when I vacuumed today. I am way more productive when the husby is around as well. Perhaps it is accountability? I don't know. Absence totally makes the heart grow fonder!
.that was funny and also not funny
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Oh that would SO be my BK and how he would respond to me, ha ha. You can do it girl, you can fix the vacuum! I hate it when they break down, no fun!
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