Where did I go wrong to miss out on CLUB SODA??
- aka yummy nummy drink!
My colleague drank club soda with lime our entire time in Phoenix, and I found myself interested in it but too skeptical to order one. THEN .... Mom used club soda to get the spot of Sangria that sloshed on my new shirt (*did an AMAZING job by the way), and then guzzled it out of the can in the laundry room. I instantly said, "YOU drink club soda?" She said, "Yeah." So, I gave it a whirl too.
DE-LICIOUS and now my drink of choice!!
I love water, but I now like this even more.
Mom stocked the fridge of Pellegrino from the garage for me!
Do you like club soda?

I LOVE sparkling water of any kind, Pellegrino being my favorite (I seriously go through a Costco case in a week...). I love it with lemon or lime, but I also love the Talking Rain berry flavor. SO yummy. And vodka sodas are one of my favorite drinks. So refreshing on a gorgeous Seattle day like today!
I don't think I have ever tried it! I am always up for new drinks - anything to keep me away from coke! Today I had a black iced tea from Starbucks and it was delish!!
I love bubbly water! I drink Club Soda, but I love Pellegrino more. I gave up soda with fructose corn syrup a few years ago and have been drinking it ever since. I've even been considering buying a bubbly water machine to make my own.
You should try Bitters & Soda as a virgin drink alternative at a restaurant/bar. Similar to ginger ale minus the sugar.
i guess i have never tried it now that i think about it. i am a liquid lover though so i will have to try it : )
I am NOT a big club soda fan...I think the whole no-taste-but-still-fizzy thing just really bothers me! I HAVE, however, come to LOVE Italian Soda recently!! But, you have to buy it in the big pretty bottles....it tastes better that way! :)
can't say I do....does nasty things to my belly, aka : bloat
Same with the sparkling water...
I am boring..water with lemon. no fizz for me!
1. How on earth do I do my hair to look as cute as your first photo under photo album?
2. I wish I liked sparkling water or club soda, I want to but I don't. It does do miracles with stains, you're so right.
I have never tried this but I am SO buying it next time I am at the store! :)
Club soda with a twist of lime was my sister-in-law's drink of choice while she was preggo! She said it made her feel like she was drinking a cocktail when she was out.
Oh.my.gosh!!! Kelsey, club soda is my obsession! Seriously - with a squeeze of lime - perfection!! I drink it all the time!
Mixed with vodka! ;) But probably not on it's own.
I've never tried it - but definitely will give it a whirl sometime soon! I've heard club soda can be used for stains - who knew it really worked? wow!
Ha ha you are too cute! Pellegrino is my fave drink:-) Quenches my thirst!
have a great weekend with the sun and your club soda!!!
I'm not a huge fun but my little sister LOVES it, she's been drinking it since she was tiny and used to call it "sooo dee." :)
is it bad that i have ONLY had club soda in an alcoholic beverage?? hahaha
Never had it - too afraid to try it...
haha never tried it...very skeptical of it!
we always have a large bottle of pellegrino in our fridge! yummy!
Hi! I just came across your blog and I love it! Sparkling water is delicious - I actually love club soda with falvored vodka too! Its great to drink day or night :)
I gotta try this brand and see!
For some reason I feel like I tried it a while back and it had a nasty, bitter taste. Maybe I should give it a try again soon!
I love club soda!! :)
Hey there - I left you an award :)
Oh girl I LURVE pellegrino! Especially lately! Its a nice trick yourself into thinking you are having a cocktail or just a soda but minus all the calories and alcohol and very refreshing!
I've never ever had it! What's it taste like? Is it sold at the regular grocery store? What's the difference between club soda and Pellegrino? I wanna try it now :-)
I just can't do club soda. I feel like I'm drinking a soda with no flavor.
Oh mine too with a splash of lime juice INCREDIBLE!! Sending you a hug lady! xo
HI! Thank's for stopping by :)
I've only had club soda with vodka. I don't think I'd enjoy it as much on it's own lol!!
this is something I haven't tried...i'll try it!
Thank you :)
I do! I used to order it whenever I took a plane trip as a kid (which was actually often, as my father lived in Texas for a few years). It felt "fancy" for whatever reason. ;)
Now I'm a g&t girl...& tonic is kind of sort of like club soda. =p & must have lime in there, of course!
I've never been a big club soda fan, but now I may just have to try it again! It sounds like a good idea during this heat, actually...
Is it weird that I've never even tried club soda??? Maybe I should change that! I am a new reader here. Hi!
I do like sparkling water but I'm not sure I've every actually drank a club soda. Maybe I'll give it a try! Hope you're having a great weekend.
I just started liking it. I never had a reason to try it before but I started making vodka and club soda mixers with lime or lemons and I figured that it would be just as good without the vodka and yummy! Agreed!
Yes, I like club soda..but only with with vodka and a lime.
I have been drinking Club Soda a lot lately. I love it with lime, but sometimes I will add a splash of lemonaid or cranberry juice to give it a little more flavor.
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