I love to read myself to sleep at night,
but the lamp is on hubby's side of the bed!
AND my Kindle doesn't have a light source on it,
which results in Gabe picking our bedtime. Boo!
I was shopping around this evening online because I am DESPERATE for a solution! What do you think of wall sconces?
I think one would be perfect,
but I don't want them to age me :)
Maybe I should take a picture of my room and then get your opinion. Ohhh that could be fun .... All the decorators I need are right here at my fingertips!

I am totally having the same predicament myself, so far though I'm solution-less! When you come up with one let me know! :)
Um, I love wall sconces! I'd love some vintage sconces on either side of my bed. Adorable!
Chad and I go to bed st different times too usually because he's on the comp. Tell gabe to suck it up! JK. I love sconces and I think if you get a cute modern one it def won't age you. Anthropologie has some :)
I love a good wall sconce. But while you are in an apartment why not just get a floor lamp that you could put anywhere in the future? Yes?
love sconces! but you'd probably have to get an electrician to wire your walls for it unless you already have some kind of light where you're wanting to put it. what if you just went with a lamp on a nightstand?
Love this idea. I think it would look classy!
i have the same issue.
reading is a ritual at night.
i think a sconce would be great!!!
I say go with the wall sconce! They have so many fab designs now that they don't age you at all! It is a "hip" side lamp! ;) That's my opinion but it would still be fun to take a photo and then see what people would choose!
You know they sell lights for your Kindle? Right?
Maybe a bit cheaper! ha
I don't think that would age you at all! Especially if you got some modern looking ones! I was recently at Pottery Barn and they have some really nice ones- and the price isn't too bad! Good luck! : )
i like them~
They remind me of a hotel and who doesnt want to live in a hotel (minus the bill)
I have a wall sconce in on of the hallways...I think that if done right they can be cute! Just be careful not to make your bedroom look like a hotel room! But you have excellent style I'm sure you'll find something lovely!
oooo, i LOVE wall sconces!!! i don't think they age you at all!!! DO it girlfriend :)
love love love wall sconces!
my mom got me this dimmer thing because it's the ultimate laziest thing in the entire world but the lamp plugs into the cord of the dimmer and then the dimmer just rests on my bed so i can control it all the time. it's so lazy but amazing... and then gabe can turn off his light whenever and you don't have to wake him by moving to turn the light off! ...wow, looong comment about a silly dimmer, but its nice! :)
can you put a lamp on your nightstand?
I also have one of those lights that clip on my book, took a bit to get used to but I love it now
oooo put up pictures of your bedroom! This will be fun :)
I think they would be perfect! I have a similar issue. I have a lamp on my nightstand but it is too big and bright and keeps my husband up. I think the wall scones would give the perfect amount of light!
You should try a head lamp. Kidding, of course!! Sconces don't age, they are very happenin' and can be update as your tastes change. Go for it!!
I love wall sconces! Check out Pottery Barn, they have some cute ones!
I think they are a great option if you don't have room for a second nightstand and table lamp! There are some really attractive and trendy options out there that won't "date" you.
PLEASE email me your address because I have an extra light for my kindle that amazon would not let me return! I would love to mail it to you!
I think that is a great idea. I know myself, sometimes I NEED to sleep, and if I didn't have light, I would probably freak.!
I actually like sconces! I am sure you will pick out a cute one :)
They are functional and lovely...I have thought about them myself you totally should get them pluse they can add some flare to the room if you pict the right one
I think wall sconces are so chic and elegant! DO IT!!!! :) I like the one in the second picture.
I just saw a spread in Elle Decor where the designer used LOTS of wall sconces and they look adorable! Especially the cool vintage ones!
we have bed side lamps on both sides of the bed, but apparently even the lamps are "TOO much light" for a certain husband who likes it to be all dark when he sleeps. So, I use a flashlight! Or, a head lamp. It works great.
Or just get a light for your kindle..or a sconce!
I love sconces. I think they're gorg...especially that first one!
I like the first one but we def. need to see the picture of your room first. I have a HEADLAMP no joke a like camping headlamp that I read with because my boyfriend doesn't like light while he is trying to sleep!
I am interior designer. Wall sconces don't age- they add class and function! BUT....go with swing arm sconces at the bedside...not stationary sconces (the type you posted are ideal for above fireplaces, hallways, etc.). A swing arm sconce will work wonders- you will love them! Have them function separate from each other and do it manual control (that way you can turn them off from your bedside, rather than a switch you have to get up and turn off...and if you DO want it on a switch, have it installed behind your bedside table, so its hidden, but still accessible and link it to a split switch on your normal wall plate). Look at Circa lighting for some great and classic options- they sell to the trade and retail, so you can buy from them. I install beside wall sconces in nearly 100% of the bedrooms I design for my clients! (My friend Melissa reads your blog and I get your Wordless Wed. topics and post them on my blog....but its private, so I won't list it here!).
i like sconces!! i think we need to see your room ;)
I love wall sconces! I think you could definitely find some that fit right into your bedroom theme :)
We have the same problem so I clipped my tacky old college reading lamp onto the bookcase by my bed.
I don't think sconces could be any worse than that. I've actually seen a lot of cute ones seeing as how I work for a lighting company. :-)
If you like hand blown glass, check out the Tech Lighting wall collection
Or Oxygen Lighting if you like clean lines (at a good price!)
Oh girl... the more you play tennis.. the better you get. I'm living proof of that one! It really is a fun couple work out! You should try it and let me know how it goes!
If you figure this out, let me in on the idea because I have the same problem. And a nighstand as well! Why does he get one, and I don't?! I think it's time for us to redecorate! haha! :)
I was just looking at some for our room and pottery barn has some really cute ones! I dont think it would age you at all! But i would love to see pictures :)
It's not nearly as fun as a new sconce, but I have a light that I bought on amazon that attaches to my kindle. It lights it up perfectly and allows me to read without bothering Charlie.... it's cheap too.
I have been having the same exact problem! I was so shocked that my Kindle does not have a backlight- you would think they would have put that on it!! Anyways, we dont have any lamps in our bedroom- just the ceiling fan lights- needless to say, there are many fights that occur when I am in the middle of a good book and my husband is ready to go to sleep! I absolutely love those wall scones though and may need to look into some too! :)
Ha! Then age me b/c I have sconces above my bed! They're not electric though--candle lit. :)
Get a nice antique looking bedside lamp that goes with your bedroom decor. It will add to its beauty and also help you read :)
I think they could be really nice! Just pick ones that fit the room and they will be quite cute I'm sure!
Love the sconce idea. Having them framing your bed would be incredibly chic.
I'd pick the b&w one..
That would be annoying, I have to get out of bed to turn off my light too...I like the scones, very nice and I think it would work!
hehe I love that you think they will age you!! :) I think they look pretty!
I do not think a sconce would age you. hehe. I think it's a great idea. My only problem with sconces - is balance. Having one at each end, just like I have nightstands in our master bedroom. I am not like this in our other bedrooms, but you would have to be certain the sconce balances with the lamp at the other end of the bed. I'd check w/ an electrician or your hubby if he's a pro at things like this. Also, a nice reading lamp bookmark might do the trick. Maybe you have the million dollar kindle accessory idea? Ever thought of that?
for SURE take a pic!
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