After my work conference in Phoenix, I flew to Dallas to sleep a short four hours in my old bed, ohh how I love sleeping in the bed I grew up in. Then, Mom and I caught the first flight out the next morning to Lubbock to spend the day with my sweet grandparents and then catch the last flight home to Dallas! Talk about a fun-filled-action-packed day!
I walked in the door to Granny Gayle's FAMOUS biscuits and gravy - it doesn't get any better! She makes it at least once a visit whenever we're together. Half of our family members want as our last meal before we die, and YES, me included!!
Then, my aunt and cousins drove a couple hours from Midland to Lubbock to spend the day with me! How sweet are they ..... and the biggest joy of the day was seeing Berkley (7 mths old) and Paisley (4 mths old).
Twins run in my family on both sides, BUT most of you would be shocked to know my identical twin cousins married identical twin boys who were my brother's best friends in college. Sadly their babies weren't twins, but the little girls are 4 months apart and pretty much twins :) How cute are they!
Ginna, Gaylen, and I grew up like sisters, and we use to tell everyone we were triplets!
Garen came in town to play too -- What a perfect surprise!
Us and our Mommas before we said our goodbyes :)
We all have that person we aspire to be, and hands down the most influential person in my life would be Granny Gayle! She was diagnosed five years ago with ovarian cancer, and my world almost fell apart. Thank goodness for our heavenly Father watching over her, sleepless nights with constant prayers, amazing doctors, and a determined Grandmother. Chemotherapy and several surgeries couldn't knock her down ... she has lived to see almost all of her grandkids married and three great grandkids born, and another in just a few short months!! She has all of the qualities I aspire for.
**I have a reminder in my phone that goes off every morning at 8am that says
Love you more than words or actions will ever express,
Thank you for being you!!!

Sounds like a great trip!
Love the pictures!
I absolutely love how you set your alarm with that message for Monday mornings, what a great way to make sure you start your week right!
It sounds like you had a great trip!
Cute pictures! GG told us once that you were her favorite--I think it's so sweet that yall have such a special bond!! Jordan is super jealous that you got to have biscuits and gravy.
Your reminder each morning almost brought tears to my eyes. I have a nanny who is 95 - my great grandmother - who I love with more than my heart! She is my rock! I can totally relate! So glad you had a blessed trip!
Aw it looks and sounds like you had a great visit with family!
I am dying that your identical twin cousins married identical twins. MY BFFs are twins and we always say that their husbands just need to by houses right next to each other. They literally spend every single day with each other! Such a funny relationship twins have!
Adorable pictures! I love your reminder message, that is so sweet! I am so thankful for the wonderful people in our lives that inspire us to be and do better!
I love that your twin cousins married twins! What a story! I'm sure the family gettogethers are interesting. :)
aww LOVE lbk!
i think we would all be better to remind ourselves to behave more like someone we love/respect!
Oh my gosh those babies are TOO cute. Great pictures. Thanks for sharing!
You have such a beautiful family!! I love that family is important to you. Family is always there for me to stay grounded!! Sending you a hug lady! xo
That's so neat to hear about the twins marrying twins. :) I'm having some major envy of those precious babies!
Sounds like a great trip...sorry you had to be in Phoenix during the summer LOL at least it wasn't July or Aug. YUCK! (I can say that, I live here)
Have a great rest of the week!
Loved that you got to come home to Texas...if only for a little bit. My hubby went to Tech. That wind is crazy there! :)
How sweet is that !! Aww your twin cousins are so adorable and so are there babies !! There is nothing better then family ! :)
I love your pictures from the trip! Looks like you had a wonderful time :)
I love your alarm message...great idea! I may adopt that into my daily routine :)
I cant believe your twin cousins married twins! Thats too cool!
Awww that is so sweet!!! :) I think that is too cool about your cousins!!!!! My husband is a twin and I always say that my sister should marry his brother. Hahaha.
That is so sweet!! I love my GG too!
How funny that your twin cousins married twin brothers...their babies do look like twins too!
Great pictures! You have a beautiful family and you girl always look fab!
Those babies really do look like twins! So cute!
That alarm message is a great idea!
I totally thought the two babies were twins until I read the caption underneath. Looks like you had a great visit!
those are great picture. That is so neat about the twins marrying the twins.. love it!
What an awesome trip "home"! I'm so glad you had so much fun and got to see family. Your family is precious!
That is so crazy that your twin cousins married twin brothers! Your iPhone reminder is so sweet.
It looks like you had tons of fun! I noticed you got a little color the other day too!
I am glad you got to see your family!!! Makes me want to see mine!! See you tonight!
Lubbock must've been the place to be last week! I was there, too :) Loved the twins and grandmother story - it's so important to have someone to have someone liket hat in your life, you're very blessed :) Glad the trip was so amazing!
Gorgeous girls must run in the fam!
How fun! And those babies are jus too cute!
i was going to say-those babies look so much alike : ) But i guess if both of their parents are identical, they would look alike too! That is such a funny thing!
That is crazy about the twins marrying twins. I thought the girls were twins but then saw their ages. Too cute sounds like you might have some twins up your alley one day :) My cousin had twins and it didn't run in the family so I'm safe :)
Your GG and phone reminder is so sweet she sounds like a great grandma!
What a fun trip!! Your Grandma sounds like an amazing woman. I love that you have a phone reminder, so cute.
that BB reminder is darling. glad you got to see your amazing family! love the pics :)
Um wow! You DO look like triplets! I get that all of the time with my sisters, but we're sisters...I've never seen cousins who look so much alike!
Love the pictures! I spent my freshman year of college at Texas Tech :)
Lubbock ... ha ha. That totally caught me off guard. That's where I'm from ... well, a small town about an hour away ... but basically Lubbock. That is crazy about the twin stuff! And yall seriously do look like triplets!
What cute pictures!!! It looks like you had a blast and I loooooooove biscuit and gravy....I could eat it everyday!!! :)
You are so adorable! I love the pic with you and your grandmom :-) That's so sweet you aspire to be like her. She sounds like an amazing woman.
How cool is it that your twin cousins married twin brothers?! I thought the little girls looked alike! They're so cute!
Glad you had a great trip :-)
What an awesome trip! I'm so glad you have such amazing women in your life, especially GG! Next time you are in Dallas we should have a meet up! Those are always fun! It was so hot! You look fantastic, all that working out!
What a wonderful time.....loved all the pictures!
How sweet - Be like GG - I LOVE that!
What a lovely family you have, what a fun story that your cousins married twin boys, how cool! You are gorgeous and so are ALL of your family members, what a great mom and daughter picture, I love those! Glad you had a nice time and your cousins' babies are adorable!
And you didn't fly over to college station?! Sheesh. We could have had cocktails
What a sweet trip and post! Made me smile for sure.
Such a sweet post! I love that you have a reminder in your phone to be like her :)
You're such a sweetie, that reminder in your phone is just the cutest thing ever xxx
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