Tuesday, November 13, 2012

America's 50 Best Cities

Traveling to other cities definitely shines the light on the city you live in ... good or bad.  And, I'm happy to admit that after every trip Gabe and I go on, our drive home from the airport consists of us commenting on how amazing of a city it is and how happy we are to be "home!"

I found this article on America's 50 Best Cities to live in:
My hometown came in at #42


Rank: 41
Population: 1,199,739

Dallas is arguably the focal point for oversize American culture: fried food, mechanic bull riding, and glitzy displays of largesse that inspire stereotypes and television shows alike. If you just know Dallas as a fan of the soap opera (or, more improbably, the canceled GCB show), you’re missing out on a city with several major art districts and a vibrant music scene. And Dallas’s take on Beverly Hills, the Highland Park neighborhood, is very much real.

Bars: 249
Restaurants: 2,808
Museums: 26
Libraries: 43
Pro sports teams: 2
Park acres per 1,000 residents: 23
Colleges: 10
Percent with graduate degree: 5.9
Median household income: $44,838
Percent unemployed: 7.9  

My city I now call home is #2
quite the step up if you ask me :)


Rank: 2
Population: 624,070

For our runner-up best city, we turn back to the Northwest to the nation’s spiritual home for coffee and personal computing: Seattle. Residents of Rain City will take the city’s famously prodigious rainfall in exchange for their high average median income, beautiful water-bound locale, and standout clean air. Microsoft (MSFT) and Boeing (BA) provide tens of thousands of jobs to the area, for those who can’t toss fish at the Pike Place Market.

Bars: 219
Restaurants: 2,307
Museums: 29
Libraries: 42
Pro sports teams: 4
Park acres per 1,000 residents: 9
Colleges: 8
Percent with graduate degree: 16.8
Median household income: $90,303
Percent unemployed: 7.2

AND this years winner: 

San Francisco

Rank: 1
Population: 808,854

The City by the Bay, this year's winner, provides residents with the best blend of entertainment, education, safety, clear air, and a prosperous economic base. As the heart of the Bay Area, San Francisco draws on the prosperity of Silicon Valley and possesses its own diverse history well represented at cultural centers such as the de Young Museum. Residents care fiercely about their cafés and causes; night life flourishes in the Mission and the Castro, while tech companies code away in SoMa.

Bars: 394
Restaurants: 3,430
Museums: 70
Libraries: 52
Pro sports teams: 2
Park acres per 1,000 residents: 7
Colleges: 17
Percent with graduate degree: 16
Median household income: $90,640
Percent unemployed: 7.8

The top 10 were:

St Paul #10
San Diego #9
Austin #8
NYC #7
Denver #6
Portland #5
Boston #4
Washington D.C. #3
Seattle #2
SanFran #1

Click here to see if you city made the list!


Hannah, Here! said...

YAY Denver at #6!

MCW said...

Yayee DC! Glad you are in Seattle...will you all ever move back to TX?

Kiara Buechler said...

As much as I love traveling, every time we come home we comment on how nice it is to see all the green trees on our drive home from the airport. Yay for Seattle!

The Rest is Still Unwritten said...

No surprise that Houston isn't on there. Traffic and humidity, yuck! I would love to visit Seattle! It's always been on my list of places to visit.

The Rest is Still Unwritten said...
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Leigh said...

I've never lived in any of those cities (or in the states for that matter!), but I've been to Seattle, San Fran and am going to NYC over Christmas!

Brooke said...

Would love to visit Texas and Seattle!

I live by SF and I am not loving that place! Funny that it won.

Nice blog post!



Meredith said...

Very interesting!

Carol {Everyday Delights} said...

Yay for Seattle!!! I do love it here!

Jessicas Book Review said...

Yay! So glad San Diego made it on the list. My home town ;) but glad Dallas is too since I live there now.

Anonymous said...

Yay for Seattle! I am heading up there this weekend :D

Liesl said...

I had not seen this list, I love it!!! My new home is #7, yay! :) Hope you are well, Kelsey! :)

Emily said...

Since I've lived in both Seattle and San Diego.. San Diego is way better :)

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Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

Oh how I love SF!!! So glad they made it to the top of the list!

Lindsay said...

I'm totally biased, but I think Seattle is a pretty great place to live.

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[darci @ the good life] said...

Denver and ATX are my favorites! I've heard fabulous things about Seattle....you lucky girl! And I had the same question - do you think you'll ever move back to Texas? :)

A Brew of Blessings said...

NYC is one of my favs but we're visiting San Fran this summer and can't wait to see if that takes the cake ;)

Angela said...

Yayyy Portland! :) #5 is not bad at all.

Nicole-Lynn said...

Hey sweet girl just thinking of you! Haven't seen a post from you in a while. I hope y'all are doing well! Glad you had a fun trip, can't wait to hear all about it! :)

Michelle said...

Top 2 are on the West Coast!

Amber said...

I just realized you left me a "miss you" message back in October!! I miss you too, love! If you're as out of the blogging loop as I am you might not see this but if you to, email me at amber.dragg at gmail dot com and give me a life update! :-) xoxo

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Miss your post

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Oh! My dream city is number 2. I really love Seattle.

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