Willis better not be dying on me anytime soon because I just bought a MONGO size ... 40 lbs to be exact ... of kibbles for his "mature" self!!
Little Harley has to be on special prescription food for crystals in her urine and high maintence self, so it's up to Willis to make progress on this huge bag alone.
I think I am going to date the bag to see how long it takes to get through with him only eating one cup a day!!! Haha - it was too good of a deal to pass up.
Hammarbacken 120 – 4 – Sigtuna kommun
11 hours ago
Haha how did you even carry that to your car! I wonder how long it will take him :)
I did the same thing (dated the bag) with Lucy! Hopefully it will last long! When PETCO or Petsmart has a sale on food, I definitely hit it up!
This is too funny! What a great idea! My piggy (a 70lb boxer) goes through that size bag in about month-month and half. I bet it will take Willis much longer!
That is a huge bag of food!! One of my cats has to eat prescription cat food because he gets crystals in his bladder as well. I wonder how long it takes to get through all of that food.
What I would give if my dogs only ate 1 cup a day?! Mine eat 5 (yes, I said 5!!!) cups per day each! I buy a 35lb bag almost every 2 weeks:(
I used to buy the 40lb bag of dog food for Maddy every three weeks!
Hayden (our yellow lab) is on the special Hills food for the crystals too. She had 8 UTI's in 6 months before we got it under control!
I wish I had the same issue! My pup eats 4-5 cups a day...we buy those bags every.other.week! :)
FYI...That's about $1000 each year in dog food! Good thing he's worth every penny!
haha! We only buy the big bags because it's SUCH a good deal, but West Wing is so little it takes months for him to go through it!
My Rottweiler finished a bag that size in about a month! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Haha, I wonder how long it'll take? That's a huge bag.
wow...thats a BIG bag!!
Hilarious. We buy this size for our Addy too. I highly recommend also "investing" in a giant rubber-maid containter on wheels. It makes dispensing this food SO much easier!
I'm sure you'll find that it is gone faster than you think!
P.S. When exactly does a dog become "mature"?
I laughed when I read this. Only because you said, " I hope he doesn't die soon." LOL! We buy that size for Dix and Star. It takes them about 2-3 weeks to finish it off...good luck with that big giant one and just little ol willis! HA! I'm guessing it will take him about 3 months to finish it.
oh poor harley! My yorkies have never been too high maintenance in the food department but Flossie I think has asthma :(
I would also recommend a storage bin... Keeps the food fresh!
Thanks for stopping by my blog... We live in Keizer, Oregon but my husband is from the Seattle area so we have a lot of family there.
I buy dog food in bulk too and store it in 2 seperate containers to help it stay fresh.
Did you put that in your car yourself? I always pulled some kind of weird muscle doing that, but it only happened once! He shouldn't go hungry anytime soon!
That is one big daddy bag. I wish my fur babies' food come in one that large and in charge!
My Lhasa only eats 1/2-1 cup a day too. I still buy the 15-lb. bags for him though because it's just cheaper. Have yet to buy a 40-lb. bag because I can't carry that and him out of the pet store! LOL
How old is your Lhasa? I hear they are supposed to live, like, 20 years!
I swear, I spend as much money on cat food as I do on human food!
LOL My Great Dane goes through that size bag in 2 1/2 weeks. $50 every 2 1/2 weeks really hurts. But its worth it to have a good healthy food that doesn't make a 120lbs dog puke all over!!
WOW, that's a whole lotta food!! Cute pups!
haha! that is awesome!
I used to buy my German Sheppard the Hills Science Diet for puppy large breed dogs from petco until I had another baby. I now buy the 50 plus lb. bag from Sam's every 5 weeks.
As fast as the beast eats her food I need a 40 pound bag!
40 pounds lasts about 3.5 weeks for my Elle Woods. It should take her 2.5 - 3 weeks but she's a picky eater (nice for my wallet, ha!)
This is such a good idea. We used to do this when I had my two dogs. It was way cheaper. It does take FOREVER to go threw. So good luck.!
Oh sweet blog! I have a yorkie too. Aren't they the cutest things ever? :)
40 lbs. bag!?!?! We got through one about every 3 weeks...our 2 dogs each get 5 1/2 cups a day! LOL Your post really made me laugh!
40 POUNDS!? That is the largest bag of dog food for a little guy that I've ever seen. :)
maybe the '7 years and older' means how long it will take to get through the bag of food?! :)
Have a great day!
LOVE IT. costco?
Lol...He'll be sick of Kibbles by the time he is done.
hiii, i just came across your blog and i love it. i miss my animals terribly since i am away at school and i love reading about yours!!
Oh my goodness, that is a huge bag of food, haha!!
My parents do that for our little weenie dog back home...it takes him 6 months to even get halfway through it, but it lasts forever!
Have a great weekend!
Haha!! My husband bought the 50lb last time and I couldn't even pick it up--not only is it heavy but it is just SO awkward of a size/shape. He ended up going out of town so I just laid the bag on its side and let the dogs eat from the bag, hahaha.
hahaha, sweet little willis, i LUB A DUB DUB your pups! precious!!!
i wish my mister'd get me another one!!! um and i'm about email you pics of my purse ASAP.
Willis! I miss that little pupper. :)
I can't pass up a deal either! hopefully your doggie will eat through it all! on another note, your blog is adorable and i love it!
I am new to your blog and I can't believe it took me so long to get here because I've seen lots of Wishful Wednesday posts and they are always sooooo fabulous!
Shelby @ mylifeoutoforder.blogspot.com
what a great idea ;) fantastic blog!! :)
Hope your pup starts feeling better! We have two tiny weenie dogs, and those big bags of food still take a long time to get eaten up!
I bet it will take a while for your pup to get through the bag, it's a great idea to keep track!
I've totally bought a huge bag of food like that for my pup that barely weighs 5 lbs! When you get a good deal, it's totally worth it!
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