All my FABULOUS Wishful Wednesday'ers ....
I am skipping this week due to
a. Being under the weather with an annoying allergy overload
b. Book club tomorrow night which means I won't be home to get everything ready for 6am Wed post for my early risers (east coasters)!
c. I need a week to recuperate after the 82 bloggers who linked up last week! It was by far a fav so far.
LOVE IT - and all of you that make this so delightful :)

Ugh my allergies were out of control today!! I felt so puffy all day. Hope you are feeling better soon!
Can't wait to see what you come up with next week..I love reading those.
Hope you're feeling better soon! Take your time...and can't wait for next week's WW. :) Happy Tuesday Kelsey!
WW will be missed this week. Hope you feel better soon and have fun at book club! :)
Ugh allergies are the worst! Hope you feel better soon :)
And 82! Wow!
me sick too, blah.
Get some rest! See you when you get back!
We will miss WW, but everyone needs a week off, haha!
Sigh...will miss WW and you..but thats ok..get better soon :) XOXO
Sorry I haven't commented in a while.. I do still read :) Thank you for your sweet comment on our pics. Hope you feel better soon (allergies).
Hope you feel better!
You should come on over to my blog and enter my giveaway! Hope you feel better soon! :)
Hope you feel better! I had an allergic reaction to a spider bite two days ago and Im still getting oxygen treatments...stupid allergies
We'll miss WW this week! Hope you get to feeling better soon!
So it's not just me! I've been working from home, "sick," for the past two days with allergies and sinus congestion! Ugh. I hope you feel better soon -- that all of us feel better soon!
What a turn out for last week! Yay! Can't wait for WW to get back in gear next week.
I'm feeling the same way--totally overloaded and sinking into auto pilot mode right now.
This week is crazy busy and I have a feeling it's because the three day weekend coming up.
I hope you're allergies ease up...or your meds kick in. Either one!
Allergies are not fun at all!! Get to feeling better soon!
I've really enjoyed going back through some of your older posts (secret shopping and some hikes!) and I'm following now! I'm sorry that you feel so crappy! Allergies will do that!
Feel better soon!!
Oh goodness, I am so sorry you are sick! I was just thinking earlier that I needed to be sure and do Wishful Wednesday tomorrow... I will make sure I remember next week!
Feel better!!
P.S. I have a little giveaway ending tonight over at my blog, I'd love for you to stop by if you are up to it! :)
Check my blog for an award!!!
Feel better soon! I love playing along, can't wait to see what subject you'll have next week.
SO considerate of you to think of the East Coast early risers...I may be on the East Coast, but I probably still get up the same time as you! :)
Ok, well I have been better lately due to early morning gym classes..
Do you use kettle bells (sp?) in your crossfit classes?
Feel better soon girlie!!
Hope you feel better very soon:) What book is your club reading? I'm always keeping an eye/ear out for good reads.
Hope you enjoy your time off and feel better soon!
Feel better soon! I hate being sick, Seattle has kicked up the pollen and I am sneezing all the time! Hope your feeling better to enjoy this long weekend!
I love reading those
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