What do to on a rainy Friday night in Seattle??
- Check out the Nordstrom's sale with my bestie.
Yes'm we shopped till we drop, and I found more
fabulous finds than I have ever found at Nordy's before.
We shut the place down wayy after their closing hours.
- Then, made pizza and had a tasty beverage,
Malbec wine from Chile (my fav)
Played with her 7 week old wiener dog puppies,
They entertained us for hours while we caught up on life
till 2am! That's the joys of living 7 minutes away.
till 2am! That's the joys of living 7 minutes away.
Google Image
Today it has rained off and on,
and my day started with a crappy eye infection.
A little Crossfit action cured the "sicky, oh, poor, me."
I have had a really productive morning.
Yipeeskips, aren't those the best!
Oh the other hand,
Hubby slept in until 12:30pm, wowzers, sleepy guy!
Him, not so much!!! hah
I with leave you with this song
that I have been dancing around the house to!
that I have been dancing around the house to!
It makes me clean super fast and cross things off my list ;)

I want some rain! Sigh. It's been raining here more than usual, but I'd like a little more.
How fun... and please, please post pictures of the 7 week old puppies! Those are my favorite, favorite, favorite :)
I wish it would rain here. I love the rain! Sounds like a great weekend!
Chadster and I hit up Nordys today!!!
What a fun weekend :) You are lucky to have such a close friend living nearby. I wish I could say the same.
By the way, great song! I need to buy this one from iTunes.
Sounds like fun! I went to Nordys today and founs cute stuff too! Much more than usual!! The rain needs to stop, it hasn't stopped and we are breaking record LOWS. Geez, Seattle needs to get some sunny spring weather!!
Rain, Rain go away! I want to swim in our community pool that opened today. :)
Thanks for sharing the song. I love that new one from them.
Happy Memorial Day weekend. Blessings!
Aww..you lucky girl to have your bestie sooo close! That would be non-stop F.U.N.
Who can resist the Nordi's Sales?! Not me..I've been twice this week. Shhh!!!
Have a good Memorial weekend. Stay dry. This rain is for the birds :)-
We just got a new Nordstroms near us and I can't wait to hit it up!
You look beautiful in that picture! Can't wait for you and Mollie to come play with me!!
I've totally had enough of the rain here!
Nordys? Lucky girls!! :) Have a great weekend
Sounds like a great Friday! I'm going to have to check out the sale this weekend too!
I hit Nordstrom's whenever I venture down south!! Love it!!
I miss shoppin....3 kids and shopping is not fun..at all
Girl time is the BEST!
Sounds like you had a good time!
I love a good Nordy's sale! I call it Nordy's too BTW. What ever will I do without one when I move back to OK? Seriously...what kind of state is it that it doesn't have a Nordstrom?! Sheesh. I hope you had a fab weekend!
Heyy girly!! I just found your blog and I am absolutely loving it! You have a new follower!
xo enjoy your Sunday!
Post pics of your nordys finds!
What a fun night with the bestie! Doxie puppies are the best.
Sounds like a great weekend!
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The Nord's sale was the one thing I missed out on this weekend. Boo. But I did hit up the Stride Rite sale. HA!
Ahhhh you shut down the store?? HAHA--lucky you!!!!
That sounds like A LOT of fun to me :-) Especially playing with the puppies haha. You two are adorable!
The name of the store is Nordstrom not Nordstrom's. And, from an earlier post, it's Pike Place Market, not Pike's Place Market. There isn't a single person in Seattle who would call it Pike's Market, it is and will always be, The Market.
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