Apparently, when traveling to another country,
it is necessary to restock of many fun items.
This translates to me having a HEYDAY shopping for my trip!!!
From a new carry on bag for the 29 hr plane adventure
to a dress to tour Sydney .....
And I am on the hunt for a satchel to navigate my way through the city. I just purchased from, and now sure which one I will pick, if any, depending on the straps and material.
This navy one
This yellow one
This brown one
The goal is for my hands to be completely free so I can hold my ...
that will always be remembered
for documenting the Land Down Under!
The last week has been spent trying to learn, learn, and better learn this fancy thang'. The Panasonic FZ35 is my new prized possession, haha, I would carry this out with me around my neck if my home was to catch on fire! I love it that much :)
Now, I need to get under better control.

You will love SYDNEY!!! One of my favorite places and I just got that Target dress too ... the pockets come in handy and you will LOVE it ... great choice!!! XO
A) That carry on bag is beautiful and so classy!
B) LOVE that dress. Casual, comfy but also very elegant and feminine.
C) I like the blue one and yellow one.
D) Can't WAIT to see pictures with your new camera!
How exciting!
I adore my Panasonic Lumix! It has served me very well through my travels!
I REALLY like that cute yellow bag you got for the flight! And the dress is absolutely adorable!! :-)
Love the yellow bag!! OH wish I could go to Sydney!!! :) You'll love it, I'm sure!!! And don't buy too much now, buy some over there too...:) xoxo
Love that dress! That will be super cute on you!
Jcrew has a beautiful satchel bag right now. Mucho $$ but real leather and fabulous.
Have you seen the Kelly Moore satchel bag made for slr cameras? I just learned about them on twitter this week
I have that Target dress too and I LOVE it!! I'm actually wearing it today to work, hahahah!! Love the bags, and exciting news about the new camera!! Have a fabulous time on the trip!! :-D
I did so much shopping before our Europe trip this summer! I think it's a requirement for overseas traveling!
Cute stuff. I especially love those bags. I need to visit my Target asap!
Have a wonderful trip! I am jealous!!
Love the handbags and the dress! You will look FANTASTIC - but heck, you could wear a smock and still look fantastic!!
Can't wait to see pics from your trip from your new camera!
I got that same dress from Target and LOVE IT! Yay for the new camera too!! I love the yellow purse!!
I bought the same bag from Target the other day :) (the first one)
I'd love to have that new camera!
I hope you have an amazing time! Even though I'm sure you will :)
Enjoy yourself!!
you're going to have so much fun!!!!! i can't wait to see all your pics and relive every moment once you come back and tell us all about it
Nice!! I have a Canon that I love!! You will have such great pictures!
I have that tote! LOVE IT!!! I use mine for a beach bag. :)
Have a fabulous trip.
How fun! That is going to be such an awesome trip!
Cute bags! I especially love that yellow carry-on bag. It reminds me that I need to find a cute teacher bag for this year!
I have a purse problem, so clearly, I would keep all three, and potentially even try to take all three on the trip.... but that would just be me. I would probably end up leaving at least one at home. :) CAN'T wait to see pictures!
I have that same carry-on bag and I love it! It's big and sturdy and it never seems to run out of room for my stuff!
That carry-on bag is super cute! And that dress is adorable... I have been wanting to get a camera like that, I can't wait to see all your pictures from your trip!
Half the fun of traveling is getting new clothes to go along with the adventure. What a great camera! I can't wait to read more about your trip Down Under. We had a good friend that lived and worked in Sydney for a few years and absolutely loved it! We now have a friend in Brisbane. Have fun and safe travels girl! Better you than me...don't know what I'd do with a 29 hr. plane ride! :)
Oh my gosh, how excited are you for your Sydney trip?! I cannot wait to see all of your awesome pics on here! : )
I have that same dress from Target and I LOVE it :) Have a great time girl!!
The dress and carry on bag are gorgeous!! I am still soooo jealous you are going to Sydney and am now even more jealous because of your shopping trip! :) You are going to have so much fun!
Great finds! I love all the purses and might have to find that yellow one for myself. That camera looks awesome!
I say the blue bag! I love the dress and the camera is awesome!
I LOVE the yellow flower tote.....I nearly cried tears of joy when I clicked on it and it was from TARGET!! LLLLOVE!! {big grin}
YAY! Great purchases!
I love target and that bag!! I just went online and ordered 3 bags. Oh no! I'm in trouble. ; )
Those are some fabulous finds! I cannot wait to see the pictures too!
all of your picks are so cute! you are going to look adorable as usual! I feel the same way about traveling! :)
YOU Will NEED a new bag to carry around! I like them all. I forgot to ask my husband about AUS...and now he is away for work again!! Im sure you have your trip planned out by now. IF you were going to the BETTER of the 2 countries down under (NZ) then I COULD personally give you lots of advice! :))
oh, AND Jenny was there...she must have given you lots of great things to do and see!!
I am THRILLED for you and Gabe!
And I must have that first bag to take to YOGA! Yep! I started HOT yoga and I've got to tell you all about it! Can't WAIT to follow your trip!
Are you on Twitter?
WOuld love to keep up with you!
I always shop before a trip as well. Ricky never understands why! LOL!
Oh I love that cute!
A vacation is a good excuse for buying new clothes, we all need to look cute on vacation :).
new reader. Just stopping in to say HELLO! Love the stuff you picked out for your trip!
Like the purses! I can't wait to hear about your trip. It's going to be incredible. I swear I'm so jealous of everything you get to do!
Perfect reason to go shopping!!! :) I vote blue and yellow bags- something to stand out and that will work well for you through the winter!
How fun- I love vacations and everything about them. So glad you get to go!!
I love all of those purchases! It's going to be a great trip!
sounds like a GREAT reason for a shopping trip to me :) LOVE that navy bag!!
So jealous of your trip!!
Shopping!!!! I'm loving the NAVY should so pick that one!
Enjoy your trip! Every vacation needs a little shopping splurge because hey, after all, you'll be photographing tons of pictures and you want to make sure you look good in them as well. Completely rationalized!
Loved the bag and the dress! Which of the three did you pick finally?
I love every single satchel! I always go with brown. This fall i'm wanting a mustard or rust color. Have a great time on your trip!
Ahhh soooo exciting!! You are going to have a fabulous time! When do you leave?
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