Ladies ... Let me introduce you to the most beautiful pregnant woman in the entire world. 39 weeks of such a cute cute momma with a new do' in Gracie's room before heading to the hospital for surgery!
Arrie and I use to match with darling little blonde bobs, and this picture makes me want to chop my hair tomorrow. Gabe says no .... but he's not the one that has to mess with it daily, right?? I have thin hair (my stylist calls it "kitten hair") and I only wish I would wake up with thick locks tomorrow, which is why hubby suggests I get extentions. Hmm, if I was a celeb maybe, but not in this lifetime! Check out the photo underneath "About Me" at the top of my blog, and let me know your vote~!!!
Now, the real reason for this post ... Gracelynn Gayle!!
Made her grand entrance a whopping 8lbs 2oz and 21in long.
My parents AKA Pa & Ninnie
Thrilled to have two beautiful grand babies.
(I promise I will give you some too - hehe!)
"I sing for joy at the works of Your hands."
- Psalm 92:4
- Psalm 92:4
It's been a hard day missing out on the birth of my niece and not being there to support my sister in law :) I was there in spirit and hoping to make it to Dallas this weekend to see the precious punkin' head. Life is just so hectic before Australia and with flights as heavy as they are with summer traveling. Only shed a few tears ..... so far!

YAY!!!! Congratulations!!!!
What a beautiful baby girl!
And I love that picture of your sis in law, it looks like she's smuggling a basketball!
Aww congrats! Love the name
She is gorgeous! Congrats! Cute name!!
Congratulations on being an auntie!
Dallas is stupid hot right now so that's about the only thing I could imagine would draw you here. Hope you have a wonderful visit.
Awww, she's adorable! Congrats :)
Oh and I love your sis-in-law's hair!
Congrats on the new niece! Mine is in town this week and I have loved spoiling her. I know how hard it must be to not be there! I hope you make it there soon to meet her sweet face.
Don't cut your hair!!! Remember what looks cute on one, doesn't mean it's right for you!! I'm going to sound super old when I say this, but cutting your hair short shows age!!! That's what all women do when they have kids and get into their 30s!! LOL length = youth length = something to work with for styling! :)
Awwww, congrats to you and to them!! Gracelynn looks beautiful =) I cannot believe your brother already has 2 babies...then again, Allie is on her third, ha. It just makes me feel old since I have not even had one!!
She is a doll...congrats!
Ohhhh congratulations!! Nieces are the BEST!
Beautiful pregnant woman is right! Wow, if I could be guaranteed to look that good while pregnant, I'd be giddy, ha.
Hope you make it to Dallas and sweet photos of this precious little girl.
she's a real beauty..congrats..may she live in peace and look great with your hair cut in a bob
How Precious! And I vote for the BOB!
She is super cute! Newborns are so precious.
I love your hair in your About Me picture!
Congrats! She is beautiful!!!
Aw, beautiful baby! Congratulations! What a cute niece :)
Beautiful Mama, beautiful baby, beautiful AUNT!
I vote for the short hair :)
First of all your SIL is VERY cute pregs!
Second I have thin hair too, so am so mlimited to what I can do. My SIL got extensions and I really want some but I dont want to deal with the maintenance involved!
congrats on being an auntie! it is the greatest! & I can relate to you on the hair thing..I have very fine hair (it's 'fine', not thin!) and what looks best and most stylish for me is to have it shorter like your 'about me' picture. It doesn't age me and I feel like I have fuller hair! Otherwise it just kind of hangs there.
Congrats to you and your family!! She was an adorable pregnant lady :) Gracelynn is precious and I love her name!
Congrats, she's beautiful!!!
Congrats to your family!! She is beautiful :)
I saw cut your hair! I have short hair mainly b/c it is SO EASY.'s just hair and it always grows back! :)
She is a beautiful little thing!
Aw congratulations!! I have the same baby bedding, it came yesterday :) Mom and baby look great! I read someone's comment about not cutting your hair because it shows age, and I'm not sure if I necessarily agree, but I am chopping my hair off when I have my baby in November because it'll be so much easier. I'd say hang on to the longer hair if you know once you cut it you'll never go back..?
Congratulations! She is beautiful...I have 2 nephews, but would love a PINK little niece!
Yay for being an aunt again! Congrats!
I say cut your hair...bobs are so fun, easy, and cute! Love it!
Congratulations on being an Aunt again! Gracelynn is just precious. :)
CONGRATS! I LOVE the name Gracelynn..I told Cody before that I thought that would be a cute name but he wasn't so sure it would go well with Grant. AND, I totally feel you on the thin can't do anything with it! I think you look adorable with the bob cut...either way looks cute but I know if I could pull the bob off like your pic I would totally do it...last time I tried it didn't work for me!
AND, I totally get how you have to be there in spirit...I missed my nephews birth and am HOPING I can make it when his sister is makes it tough not being there!
See you tonight maybe!
Aww! She is beautiful and I think your hair looks FAB in a bob like your About Me pic!! :)
Such a pretty baby! I love your hair short, but I am a sucker for long hair ever since I grew mine out! I always say... you have the rest of your life to have short hair, but you can only have it long for so long! haha :)
Congrats! Being an aunt is so much fun!
Congrats Auntie!!!
I love the hat with a bow on it! My friend's daugther has the same name! CUTE!
Congrats! I love being an auntie.
I also have thin hair and always keep it short. It's much more sassy that way ;-)
Awwww congrats Auntie!! What a little doll!!
Being an aunt is so much fun! Congrats :)
Congratulations on your beautiful new niece!!!
Congratulations Auntie!!
Both mom and daughter are so adorable!!! Congratulations!
Congratulations on the new baby in the family :).
Congratulations! Both the baby and your sis in law are adoreable!
Adorable belly! Congrats to your family's new addition!
Congrats!!!! What a pretty baby girl!
very exciting! congrats!
Congratulations to your friend. She's got a GG too, just like my Gillian Grace! She's beautiful (well both momma and baby) !
What a precious little one!! :) She's going to grow up to be just adorable like mom and auntie!!
You and your sis do look so much alike. How fun! I vote yes on the bob- but that's how I sport mine so I'm partial!
Sorry I've been MIA for awhile! I can't wait to catch up on your blog!!
Congrats on the new family member!!
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