We checked out a handful of churches after moving to Seattle, and we attempted to get plugged into some while not succeeding and then happened to be youth leaders at another. We were searching for a young congregation that would challenge us spiritually as a couple while doing so individually too! It wasn't till a colleague of mine who we volunteered with regularly as he was the youth pastor in Woodinville who knew us personally and thought Eastlake would be a refreshing church for us.
Eastlake Community Church,
I am so glad we found you!
*I am still bummed it took us 3 years to do so
It didn't even take 30 minutes of being in the church walls that this church would be home for us. It's different than the other big churches out there, and Paster Ryan often says, "God made us a mega sized church to make a world class impact."
photo found at Eastlakecc.org
I blogged about the benefit event our church was hosting, Drinks for Drinks, and it was a HUGE success. This is just one example of why I am so proud to be part of this body of Christ with dear friends who have turned into life-long relationships!
If you live in the Seattle area and are looking for a church,
check us out :)

Love your shirt in the last picture!! :)
Sounds like an awesome church and congregation! :)
Do you know if there are any churches near Silverdale that are similar??
You look so beautiful!! :)
I'm happy you found your church.:)
It is always soooo refreshing when you find an awesome church!! :)
Looks like a great place :)
That's great! Cute pics!
Kelsey... you in those white pants!! You look beyond fabulous!!
I love the sound of your church. I am still searching for one... hope I find something this fabulous!!
That is so encouraging to hear, we have been church shopping for about a year, and are still looking for our church home.
This church is right by my house/where we got married. :) It looks pretty big and there are always a ton of cars going there. Glad you guys like it.
That sounds like a fantastic place to be a part of! Glad you found it! :)
Agree 100%. Can I just say that the past two weeks the words Ryan is speaking is hitting me hard. And it's been incredible.
Eastlake does it well. :)
You're right... finding the right church definitely takes time, and I'm glad you put so much thought into it! You're comment on my blog is sooooo sweet, and I have to say, I feel the same about your when I read your posts!
Damn Kels you look so freakin skinny! I mean, HOT but skinny. Miss you :-)
I love that you love it! To your friend Katie, I know that Kelsey would LOVE to have you join her and Gabe at any of the services (9:20, 11:20 and 6pm)!
So glad you found a church!
glad that you found your niche!! sounds awesome!!
you are a foxy lady...just in case you haven't heard that today!
glad you found a good church home!
That is a wonderful feeling when you walk in and just know. I felt that way about our current church - I knew I wanted to raise my children there and I don't even have kids yet :) Glad you have such a great place to grow!
That is very neat!! I would love to find a church that I felt fit us.
That's great that you've found a place to call home!
I love how when you walk into the right church you feel like someone just gave you a big hug....or maybe that's just me.
That church sounds awesome! I have got to find a good church for us in Nashville too
Finding a great church is like a breath of fresh air. We have found a great one in Texas, but now that we're moving soon I have a feeling that we'll have a hard time finding one as great as the one we're currently attending. This is something we're definitely going to be praying for.
My husband and I are still on the hunt for a church here in Chicago. I hope we are as successful as you've been!
Finding a church that is a "good fit" for you is SO important. I am so glad that you found that!
I know how hard it can be to find a church that meshes well and offers a familiar sense of community. So happy you have that, I think everyone deserves that kind of support. If I'm ever in Seattle I'd love to check your church out!
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