Roxanne just made me aware on her Fitness By RoxyB blog that there will be new sunscreen guidelines mandated by the FDA in 2012.
With Seattle summer finally here and me laying on the beach as we speak, I just started the process of finding the perfect sunscreen for the season. I don't like to use sunscreens from years ago that are crusty from under the cabinet, so I normally get a new one every year. I apply sunscreen on certain areas where my skin is more susceptible to burning (face, shoulders, and chest) to be sure protect myself as much as I can. And who wants to be wrinkly .... Does anyone else feel like shopping for a great sunscreen can be a task? I mean, I am sure you really can't go wrong, but then again I think you can based on the new guidelines ....
New FDA Guidelines:
- The final regulations establish a standard test for over-the-counter sunscreen products that will determine which products are allowed to be labeled as "Broad Spectrum." Products that pass this test will provide protection against both ultraviolet B radiation (UVB) and ultraviolet A radiation (UVA).
- Sunscreen products that are not broad spectrum or that are broad spectrum with SPF values from 2 to 14 will be labeled with a warning that reads: "Skin Cancer/Skin Aging Alert: Spending time in the sun increases your risk of skin cancer and early skin aging. This product has been shown only to help prevent sunburn, not skin cancer or early skin aging.
- Manufacturers cannot make claims that sunscreens are "waterproof" or "sweatproof," or identify their products as "sunblocks." Water resistance claims on the product's front label must tell how much time a user can expect to get the declared SPF level of protection while swimming or sweating, based on standard testing. Two times will be permitted on labels: 40 minutes or 80 minutes.
- FDA is proposing a regulation that would require sunscreen products that have SPF values higher than 50 to be labeled as "SPF 50+." FDA does not have adequate data demonstrating that products with SPF values higher than 50 provide additional protection compared to products with SPF values of 50
There are so many options and opinions regarding SPF values.
What SPF value do you normally wear?
How often do you re-apply?
Are you loyal or a brand?
I vetoed this gem from my beach-bag!
Happy tanning :)

SPF 4 is NOTHING..SPF 15 which is found in most moisturizers is nothing too. I got that lecture a few months ago from the Dermatologist :(
now it's SPF 50 for me from now on (only on my face though)
I like Neutrogena sunscreens myself
I was always the girl who wore tanning oil instead of sunscreen and I literally cringe when I think about all of damage I've done to my skin. Not any more! I use Neutrogena 30 on my face and Coppertone 30 on the rest of my body and I've still got a really nice tan:)
I have always been a sunscreen girl. My fair skin burns easily...I think this is one reason people often think my younger sister is my older. She is outside all day long and her face takes a beating even with a hat and sunscreen. I usually wear 15 of whatever is the cheapest :) Do not like the spray on!
oh ya, I kept hearing about how they were going to do this! I usually wear sunscreen the first day...then lighten up a bit. The older I get though, the more nervous I am to get skin cancer
I had heard that anything over spf 50 really didn't matter. When I was younger I was all about the tanning oils, I tan fairly easy so I liked to be tan in the summer. But as I get older I have switched over to the sunscreen. I still get tan, which is nice, but I just can't afford to get burnt... it's not worth it. We like the spray on suncreens cause they are quick and easy to use! We are usually in the pool for hours at a time so we are constantly reapplying. Thanks for this :)
Um... I have that exact same bottle that you have pictured! lol
I don't really stick to one particular brand, but i do like neutrogena ones. I use SPF 30 or higher. I feel like anything below 30 isn't enough
Thanks for the post! I read her blog but missed this post..
I like Banana Boat the best hands down!
This is my FAV cause you don't feel oily
I've heard that anything over SPF 35-50 is just "advertisement" and really does not work..
I love great products like Neutrogena and hyper allergenic sun screen just because it breaks out my skin, but honestly I don't go in the sun for extended periods of time that often.
BK is super cautious with the sun and he looks so good because of it so he has inspired me to do the same! As soon as I feel like I'm going to get burned - I head to the shade! ;)
so glad you posted this about the 50+--when i see 100 and such, I KNOW that just can't be true...great post my dear, which reminds me i need to put on some city block right now!
I've heard the California Baby sunscreen is good (and natural) for babies and adults so I've been wanting to try that but it's always sold out at my Target. Maybe that's because it is so good! In the past I've used Neutrogena products but I always forget to reaply and end up burned anyway. I'm trying to be more vigilant now, though!
I am all about the oil-free 45! My dad is a pathologist (sadly diagnosis a lot of skin cancer diagnosis) so I grew up with lots of lectures about wear your sunscreen (and don't smoke)!
So I'm posting twice, but only bec several commenters on your page seem to have this myth in their head that anything higher than SPF 50 doesn't work. Well I've been to THREE dermatologists and unless doctors in their professions are liars and hand you SPF 50 for a good laugh, then I'd say your little guesses on SPF above 50 are quite off base.
I just had this discussion with my mom actually because she is in medical school & did a report on sunscreen. The testing they do on sunscreen, results in a thick layer that is applied QUITE often. I use SPF 50 & apply...APPLY...apply!!!
I umm don't wear sunscreen... It's in my makeup but that's about it. I bed tan, I know shame, but yeah. So I don't really have advice haha. Sorry!
girlfriend. thanks for linking to me :) AND thanks for educating ppl on and reminding ppl to protect their pretty little skins!! :)
hope you're doing GREAT!!
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