This is what happens when Gabe goes to the grocery. Oh, and he picked up two gallons of milk to go along with it, haha!! At least it all was on super sale, but oh my goodness sugary cereal overload.
Högalidsgatan 8 – 9 – Karlstads kommun
13 hours ago
Looks like my pantry! I eat Smorz, Cocoa Puffs, Reese's Puffs, and Cookie Crisps! haha
oh my gosh! haha, this is too funny!!!
i was never a big cereal eater, that is until i got pregnant. now i love all these unhealthy sugary cereals. i'm hoping my cravings go away after baby comes ;)
That makes me laugh!!! It is something Mark would do too! He LOVES cereal.
So cute! I love it! :)
Mmmm.. Lucky Charms. They're magically delicious! Plus, a fresh box means LOTS of marshmallows on top :)
This is so funny and my fiance does the same exact thing! Why wouldn't we need 5 boxes of Cinnamon Toast Crunch!? haha
Oh my goodness! This is hilarious haha.
Looks like my boss's pantry. She has a 4 year old, however, the cereals are for her husband!!
Lucky Charms are quite yummy though ;)
No cereal in my Pantry! :( Mister Wonderful said no sugar for us...well not the kind in cereal...we get ours from Fruits...That's what we practice these days...
NO WAY! That is hilarious. WOW!
hahahahahaha! That's awesome. This is very Eric. Love it!
hahahaha. this is HILLLLARIOUS. i would fall on the ground cracking UP if B walked through the door with that. He gets so ridiculously excited when he finds good bargains too. :) Boys are cute.
and tell Gabe to send me some Cinnamon Toast Crunch next time he finds it on super sale...I'll mail him a check ha!
HAHA! This is exactly why I do the grocery shopping in our house...I'm married to a big kid as well! Can't blame the guy for loving the sugary cereal though :)
My other half is not allowed to go grocery shopping without me. I usually end up gaining weight on the weeks he (Used) to do the shopping!
Umm...are you kidding me?!? Who does that?!!?
Hilarious! Sounds like something the BF would do. "But it was on sale..."
That is really funny! But I like the whole grain selection! Sounds healthy.
I too usually end up buying so many cereals when all I need may be a box of muesli or cornflakes!
Have you ever eaten Cinnamon Toast Crunch over vanilla ice cream? I invented it in college, and you must try it, now that you've got all that cereal to use up!
Holy cow, that's a lot of cereal!! I don't eat sugary cereal but I'm kind of craving some now.
LOL I love it!
the only cereal I eat in raisin nut bran but my husband well .... his shopping trips look the same... fruity pebbles, coco puffs, fruit loops
That is hilarious!mormoye
that is HILARIOUS!!!!
i have to admit though, i am the cereal nazi at my house... i come home with 3 or 4 boxes at a time, but i eat A LOT of it
Hehe.. my kids would be in heaven! Lucky Charms is their favorite! ;)
all my favorites! Yum.
PS you must have HUGE pantry!
Mr. Smith LOVES cereal - especially Reeses puffs - and I really don't eat it. So we have about 5 boxes at any given time. When its BOGO at Publix, I stock him up!
(My stock-up of choice is Annie's mac and cheese when its $1/box. Our pantry always has at least 5 boxes. :) )
I wish this was unusual to me! Scott is a cereal addict he constantly has the pantry stocked with at least 15 different cereals!
omg that is hilarious!!!!
Bahaha! My sister always buys ten boxes of cake mix when it's ten for $10 !!
lol not cereal but snack packs! lol
That's awesome! Love it! :)
Bwahahahahahaha!!! I thought for a second that pic was of the cereal aisle. Then I realized it was your kitchen counter. Your hubs is awesome :)
Oh my goodness seriously?! Lol that is too funny:-) At least he got a good deal right? I wish my hubby would like those, we only buy healthy fiber cereals and I LOVED lukcy charms when I was younger!
Pssst just grabbed your button neighbor:-) Mayeb one of these days we can meet up for some yummy coffee downtown?
That is pretty funny! I haven't had those kind of cereals in forever!
This is so great! My husband has the same bad obsession with sugary cereal. Before we got married I always tried to buy healthy cereal like Kashi or Raisin Bran, but not him. He's all about the sugary stuff. In fact, this morning he had Cocoa Pebbles for breakfast and he's 37!!! I still buy my healthy stuff and it's right next to his sugary stuff in the pantry.
Ohhhh lucky charms & cinnamon crunch are THE BEST!!!! :)
WOW! that's a whole lotta sugary cereal goodness... I'm a cheerio-holic, and have a box of Apple cinnamon, the new cinnamon, and honey nut all stacked on my countertop.
When I send hubs to the grocery store, he comes back with a surplus of gummy snacks - anything from Barbie to Hot Wheels shaped gummies, he loves them! Me? not so much :P
Have a wonderful weekend!
haha, that is so funny! I have to admit, those are some yuuuuummy cereals :) I would eat them more than my Hubby, haha. I especially LOVE Reese's Puffs (we have some in our pantry! ;))!
Wow! That's a lot of sugar and cereal!!!
Hahahaha! Oh my gosh, this is one of the funniest thing that I've read!! I can just imagine how proud he was of his "great" shopping trip!! HAHA!!
I'm new to your blog...and I love it! So neat that y'all moved somewhere brand new together. It seems like y'all are loving it there! Can't wait to read more!!
That is seriously SO funny!! Men crack me up. Tim would do something similar, but probably with hummus or egg whites. He eats that nasty healthy food! ;)
what?! that is hilarious, i think that would be something i would do, but i just don't want to admit it, ha ha!
HA! That is hysterical!
Just came across your blog...I'm in {near} Seattle too :)
haha was he deprived of cereal as a child? :o)
Yes! My hubby does the same thing! It is usually FruitLoops, LuckyCharms and Frosted Mini Wheats! We never finish them all but he swears we need all of them!
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