This is priceless!
*Please ignore the cussing from the random YouTube video ....
If only people in WA used the left lane "as a passing lane" like the TX law!
People driving at or under the speed limit in left lane make my blood boil.
Am I the only one?!
Too funny! I drive in the left lane all the time and your brother gets sooo mad at me!
GRRRRR! Makes me irate too! lol
Oh my gosh!!! LOVE IT!
I know, this drives me nuts when I am in Spokane, or even Seattle! People need to learn to drive, or just learn the meaning of the fast lane :)
Haha! That is the worst! I get so mad at my husband when he drives the speed limit in the left lane! Grr!
LMAO! That's awesome!
This is hilarious. I'm a left lane driver, but I definitely surpass the speed limit! haha!
ha! my dad rides their tails and flashes his lights at them til they get over.
hahah this is amazing!
that is awesome! there is nothing that drives me more crazy than that!! wish i could do that....
I face the same issue in Oregon! I use to live in Seattle and take my word, Seattle drivers are better than Oregon drivers.
You are not the only one! I hate when people do that!!
Just thinking about this makes me anxious!!! I absolutely hate when people do it...and there are soooo many violators in Maryland. It happens almost daily while commuting two and from work.
I feel this way too! Idk how many lanes you have in Seattle, but in San Diego one of our freeways has 6 lanes going South and 6 going north, and people STILL do this!!!
We need stricter rules in TN too. It's ridiculous!
I have an ex boyfriend that lives in Seattle and he would do that and it used to drive me crazy!!!
Seattle area is THE WORST! Did they not teach the whole left lane thing in drivers ed school there? I totally agree with you.
funny! I love that that cop did that to make his/her point. :) My biggest driving petpeeve is when people back into a parking spot - I mean, I suppose it's fine if there are NO other cars trying to drive, but otherwise, it disrupts the flow of traffic and takes just as much time overall as backing out later. :)
hahaha!!!! hilarious!
So, i know that you get 554135851 comments a day and i'm sure you're super busy, but i just wanted to say that i'm having my very first giveaway on my blog, its in celebration of my 200th follower, which isn't a lot to some, but its a TON to me! I never thought i'd have anywhere over 20!! :) SO, if ya wanna check it out ya can! :)
Biggest Pet Peeve! I think it's a Washington thing. I can't stand when I go to Spokane. They drive 5 under the speed limit. Yikes!
HAHA I love that!!!!
Hilarious! I wish cops here in WA would do that to the oh so slow drivers in the left lane. Makes my blood boil too! The left lane is for passing, people...not for going on a Sunday stroll!
This was too funny! I just had to share with everyone I know!
This cracked me up! One of my big pet peeves too!
Oh my gosh that is hilarious! Seriously Seattle should have that same law! No one here knows how to use the left lane!
HAHAHAHA!!!! No, you are not the only one. People in Seattle drive so slowly. I grew up here, but I've spent a lot of time driving in LA, and most people here would be flattened there!!
I would probably crash my car from laughter if I saw something this. Hysterical! Slow drivers really do need to get out of the left lane. Drives me nuts!
That is hilarious (I will have to show my mister.)!
That is one of my driving pet peeves, too. I see it all the time...duh...
Oh, and people who brake when they are merging onto the freeway. Good lord!
Hope you're having a great day!
Seriously, one of my BIGGEST pet peeves. I must say that when we were driving through Washington a few years ago, we got mad road rage. People drive so slow in the fast lane!
Girl, you're speaking my language. Left lane is FAST. Right lane is NOT.
So funny, I love it! I completely agree though! It makes me so mad! If you're gonna drive the speed limit you should be in the right lane!
Also, check out my blog for the award you won :)
Oh that absolutely gives me road rage! I agree!!
This video cracks me up, you see this all the time in FL. so frustrating.
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