Well, I wasn't planning on taking a blog hiatus,
but it has come down to that!
July has turned into completely chaos, and I am hoping it slows down before the month is over. With that being said, I just booked our tickets to the Land Down Under, aka Australia!!!!!! We leave in a month and a half, and I am thrilled that it has come together. Off to enjoy the Seattle sun :)
Be back soon .... I hope when life calms down a bit!

I really want to go to Australia. I can't wait to see the pictures.
You guys are going to have so much fun!
I was wondering if everything was ok! Lol hope all is well:-)
Australia?! How exciting!!! I've always wanted to go there, jealous! take lotsa pics for me
Can I come? Lol I'm kidding. You 2 are lucky. Have fun, and take tons of pictures!
Glad to hear that you are doing well! Hopefully things will get a little slower for you :)
Australia!? That's amazing!
Hope things settle down for you soon Kelsey!
OOOH, Australia sounds fun! Ya'll are going to have a blast!
Wow that sounds so wonderful!
I was wondering where you went!! You are going to love Oz. Where are you going, I might have some tips--we lived in Brisbane for a bit and traveled around!! :)
You will love love Australia!! I went last Summer and seriously fell in love with everything there!! Hope all is well! xo
You're kinda back! Yay! I cant wait to hear more about Australia!
We will miss you! Have a blast in Austrailia! G'day mate!!! :)
have a BLAST in Australia, it is the most amazing place!!
I was JUST thinking about you MIA the other day--haha!!! Glad to know you havent forgotten about us!! Yay for booking Australia tickets... soo jealous!!
Oh my goodness, you guys are going to have a blast! I can't wait to hear all about it and see pics! Enjoy your trip and be safe! :)
Have a fabulous time! My husband was just in Sydney for a conference :-) And if you haven't read it, you should check out "In a Sunburned Country", by Bill Bryson - hilarious! But also full of useful, unique info about Australia :-)
Australia sounds like SO MUCH FUN!! I can't wait to hear all about it! :-)
Life is totally crazy, huh?!? I know the feeling...
But Australia?!!? Eeeeeee!!! I am so excited for you- and quite jealous- but mostly excited :)
Hope you have some time to relax before you leave!!
Welcome back! Don't stay away too much longer, it's boring!
WE miss you :)
Come back soon!! Australia sounds awesome - what part are you going to??
We do miss you!! I hope you have a wonderful time though :) Put up pictures as soon as you can!
Yayaya!!! So exciting!!!
Nick's sister and her boyfriend are heading down there in two weeks so I'll pass along any tips I hear!
It's summer time, you should be on hiatus!!!!
Australia is on my bucket list..enjoy!
Ooh, Australia sounds so awesome! That will be so much fun! We've missed you!
It happens to the best of us! I surely can relate. I haven't posted in over a week haha.
Australia?! That is awesome! You lucky girl :)
I totally get like that.. busy..not busy.. busy.. agh! I am so excited for your trip to Aussie land! Eric and I are talking about Maui for the fall.. We'll see... Regardless, I cant WAIT to see pics of your vacation, girl!!!
Congrats on booking the trip!! That is sooo exciting. If you need any advice, I have a sister who studied abroad there for 5 months, as well as a best friend who married an Aussie...so I vicariously know it all;)
I was just thinking last week that I missed a WW but we all understand! Have a wonderful bloggy break!
Sounds like fun! I've never been, but I always hear good things.
Hope you're back soon!
I am so jealous of your trip to australia. a co-worker of mine is going on thursday for 2 weeks. you are going to have so much fun!
Australia!! So fun!! You will have to blog about it when you get back and take a ton of photos to show us!
I am totally jealous of your Australia trip! Take me with you!
Lucky girl!!!! You're quite the jet-setter...hope you have a wonderful trip:)
Ahhhh!!!! You lucky girl, you! My fiance's #1 place on our list to visit is Australia! Let me know how it goes! So exciting!
We miss Wishful Wednesday! Can't wait for you to return :) and TOTALLY jealous over Australia...you better take a bazillion pics for all of us stuck here :) LOVE the blog.
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