Monday, June 20, 2011

Longest weekend ever

It all started Friday morning waking up at 3:30am to take Gabe to the airport so he could catch a 6am flight.  Hmm, what does one do at 4:30am after dropping him off at the airport ... I drove to the furthest point of my territory to make my early morning useful.  I pulled in to Aberdeen (which is almost 3hrs from home with traffic) at 6:30am and realized I still had 2hrs to burn before the clinic opened, so I went to Starbucks and cranked out a ton of emails!  I figured I could sleep later and enjoyed accomplishing so much when I would just be waking up.

After what seemed like the longest day ever, I got my hair done (yay for being blonde again), and came home to my pups and my best friends two wiener dogs.  I took care of them this weekending while she was out of town, and it was just a hoot to have four dogs shadow me around my house.  They all fought for my lap since three of the four are lapdogs :) 

I was lucky enough to see my other bestie on Friday and Saturday, which I just loved!!  Katie and her 3 week old punkin' Caleb had the brilliant idea for a pedi, and it was exactly what we needed.  And, I told her she could be my surrogate because no one would have ever guessed she just had a little one :)  

This weekend has been really quiet and much needed, if I say so myself.  Although, it's kind of weird because I like to go go go and had multiple opportunities to go out in Seattle, attend the Freemond Solice Festival, go to brunch with friends, etc ... and it's not like me to decline a get together.  

But, I learned two things about myself ... Independence is a very valuable characteristic that I have, but I missed my husband and depend on him more than I was aware of.  Our lives revolve around each other, and this weekend I kept wanting him to be there with me to go to crossfit, watch a movie, eat meals with, take the dogs to the park, and just sit on the couch with.  But instead it was me and four dogs ....
And this post wouldn't be complete without me documenting why I really needed Gabe.  This just cracks me up because he always makes waffles on the weekends and I make the eggs.  Well, I attempted the waffles this morning, and me-oh-my, do they not look retarded!!!!  I sent this picture to Gabe, and he said, "Haha, you need your man to make them!"

I love you sug and am so thankful we have each other!
Can't wait to meet you at the beach!!!


The Rest is Still Unwritten said...

Aww, sounds like a fun weekend! And I sure hope I look as good as your friend does after I have this little one!

I understand with Gabe being away. When B is away during the week, I really enjoy my time to myself, but then I start to really miss having someone to do everything with. Isn't being married to your best friend the best thing ever!?

Lindsay @ la vita dolce said...

sounds like a great weekend. I am so with you, I love being independent, but I also hate when Tony is gone. I feel lost and unsure as what to do with myself LOL

the girl in the red shoes said...

So cute Kelsey! I am the same way when my husband is out of town...I like some independence but I miss him tons! Glad you had the pups and good friends to keep you company!

Traditions By The Seasons said...

I feel the same as you when my hubby is gone. Cute post! Glad your weekend was nice. Love your hair and color, too! XOXO ~Liz

Jamie Pickle said...

That ALWAYS happens when I make waffles, or they overflow and make a huge mess. We had four dogs at our house over the weekend too. What a handful!

Caroline said...

1. Did the waffle taste ok?
2. Love the weenies!!!
3. Sounds like a busy, but fun weekend.

Mateya said...

Oh gosh that waffle is too funny! I hope it still tasted okay :)

I truly love my independence every once in awhile too but it's so nice having someone home with you to just enjoy the little things :)

Laura said...

aww, i know what you mean about relying on eachother and your lives revolving around eachothers.. It's so empty when they're not there! And i love the waffles.. hahaha... Stick to the eggs :) I'm sure they look fabulous :)

Kristen said...

Sounds like a great weekend! Go you for being uber productive on Friday AM I probably would have just gone back to bed once I got home!

My hubs is the waffle maker around our house too, mine would have looked very similar to yours I am afraid!

Meghan said...

It sounds like a great weekend! I hate to be apart from my hubby too, but sometimes the quiet is nice:)

Bobbi said...

Wow, you're friend looks really good for having a baby 3 weeks ago! I have a friend that was like that too.

I always overflow when I make waffles! But hey as long as they tasted ok who cares what they look like right?

Carol {Everyday Delights} said...

Nick was out of town this weekend too so I also did a girl's weekend with my friends! My friend Brooke and her baby Grace! And I am so glad Nick is back too. And p.s. thanks for the b-day party invite - I'm hoping to make it!

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

Looks like it was a fun weekend! You made me want waffles! Maybe Ricky will buy me a waffle maker!

C Mae said...

I wish I had a friend like you to care for my dog! Finding anyone to commit to watching a pet is like asking someone to voluntarily go for root canal! I swear! I hear you on independence and relying on yourself and then there's you relying on your husband!! I just wish that when the help was needed, that such ppl existed not wanting something in return...:(

TracyZLesh @ Then I Got To Thinking said...

Awww... you puppy sat the weenies!! I have two weenies ;) Glad you had a good weekend!

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

Glad you had a good weekend. And that waffle looked sad. ;) Though believe me, mine look even worse. haha!


Unknown said...

haha "yay for being blonde again!" these are such cute pictures girl, looks like a perfect time :)


Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

Wow! It sounds like you were super productive! I love days like that.

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