I woke up most mornings and would get some quiet time in prior to Gabe
joining me at the pool. I thought it was cute he documented the resort/me!
Ahhh the vacation life ... How could this ever get old.
AND, I had to document the spring roll gals that I mentioned in my last post. This was their "stand" on the sand, rain or shine ... they were there. It was the most fabulous spring roll I've ever eaten, and we supported them three days in a row for lunch as it was the perfect lunch snack after a big breakfast. I am a super picky eater and meats gross me out, so it really was the perfect fix for me. They also made a tasty salad with all fresh veggies and a spicy dressing. Delicious!!!
Then we worked it off with a long ride in the double kayak - although, I must say my husband didn't appreciate my kayaking skills. He said I made it more frustrating and requested I just sit there in the middle of sea and enjoy the sights. Haha, really Gabe!?!
The beginning of this makes me smile with us saying "hey" same pitch and all, and then I may make you sick trying to figure out how to kayak while videoing. I mastered it later, but this one ended up being my fav!
Then our afternoon daily massage: these Thai gals loved Gabe ;)
and we went back to our room TO FIND a package with our name on it. Our SUITS (yay yay) delivered as promised, such a relief. We will be using Thai Tailor for years to come as they really did an exceptional job and exceeded our expectations. Sure hope my weight doesn't fluctuate, ever, as they only have the current measurements on file.
Swanky little outdoor bar with swings I loved
Nom nom nom - The Thai food never got old
and our night ended watching the stars ....
If only I had a trust fund and could quit my job and escape to the other side of the world, just to travel from country to country.