I woke up this morning and the water had all drained, so I thought it was fixed and just super slow. With that being said, I thought it would only make sense to run the dishwasher .... big mistake. I noticed the sink was clogged again, so I took a photo to send to Gabe as an update while he was at the office. Not sure why, but I randomly opened the cabinet under the sink mid-email and see everything soaking wet with the pipe gushing water.
Thank goodness for intuition because I would have just gone on with my day, and I can only imagine how bad it could have been. It was a nightmare as everything was in a half inch of standing water, AND the office was closed so I couldn't get hold of anyone except by calling a 1-800 number. I made very clear that it was an emergency and water was gushing. It only took 25 minutes, which gave me plenty of time to turn this kitchen around and make it at least manageable.
Did my husband even think to look at the pipes last night, no. Be sure to zoom in on the photo above, it was a mess!!! See all those big cups .... Yup I had nine filled to the brim before I had the bright idea to grab the bucket from the garage. Then, I called Gabe to see what I should do and all his only suggestion was call maintence (as I already did, duh)!! Thank goodness for renting as I would of been in deep water (pun intended) calling an emergency plumber as Gabe isn't the handiest man of the house. A fantastic man, but handy wouldn't be anywhere close to a characteristic of his :)
Maybe I should never by a house .....